Card One#PEACE

“My peace I give to you, my peace I leave with you” - Jesus

What is peace? It means different things to different people. But peace is a state of wholeness, where everything is just as it should be.

But life on earth is not like that. And it hasn’t been for a long time. It started out great, a long time ago, back in the garden where our first parents had everything they needed. They had peace.

And then it happened. Our parents believed the lie – that they could be like God – and they broke the peace. Death entered in to our world and everything was ruined.

Our parents traded their peace for restlessness and ever since we all have been wandering in exile, far from peace. Yet we know that life should be better.

#ThePeaceMaker knows all about exile. He left his home in order to make peace for us. But his message of peace and reconciliation was rejected by all. #ThePeaceMaker finally died at the hands of the very people he had come to give peace to. Yet in his death he took on our restlessness and brokenness and made peace again between us and God. Now, the exiled are invited to come back home. Because He Himself is our peace.

What if it’s true? What if he really can bring peace to our restless lives? Both Jewish and non-Jewish people all over the world know that Yeshua, (Jesus) is the Prince of Peace.

But what about you? What do you think about peace? We would love to hear more and would love to meet you. Contact us for more information, a chat or if you have questions. We would love to introduce you to #ThePeaceMaker.


“The Lord…is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish…” - the Bible

Tolerance – for what you’ve done, who you are, what you believe. That’s the ideal our society aims for and yet we are plagued by intolerance. And when we’re intolerant of others who are intolerant, then we ourselves find ourselves doing the very thing we hate!

There’s only One who’s truly tolerant and He’s been tolerant with all the junk we’ve done for a long time now. He’s patiently waiting for us to come to Him with our wrongdoing and brokenness and for Him to make us new. That’s more than tolerance – that’s unconditional love.

When #ThePeaceMaker died for our wrongdoing and rose again from the dead he opened the way for us to be truly forgiven for everything we’ve done. God, in His mercy, was tolerant enough to let #ThePeaceMaker die on our behalf so that we don’t get what we deserve. Instead, He promises to give us new life here and then when we die, life forever with Him. All we have to do is ask Him.

Tolerant enough to ask Him to forgive you and make you new? Then talk to #ThePeaceMaker. His name is Jesus. Contact us for more information, a chat or if you have questions. We’d love to hear from you!

Card Three#HATE

“Hatred stirs up conflict, but love covers over all wrongs” - The Bible

Ever disliked someone so much you would kill them? Ever wanted to make someone feel the pain that they’ve inflicted on you? That’s hatred – and it’ll completely consume you if you let it. The worst part is, the only loser with hatred is you.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could give your hatred to someone who understands you and has been where you’ve been? Well, you can. #ThePeaceMaker suffered immense hatred and yet He said, “Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.”

How could he say that? Because he understood that they only true way to deal with hate is to love – and that’s exactly what he did. Ultimately, #ThePeaceMaker died on behalf of those who hated him – us. He took on himself the punishment that we deserved for hating ourselves, others and our planet because he loved us so much. And now, he offers us the chance to give up our hatred and be consumed instead by love. All we have to do is ask.

Willing to give up your hate for peace and love? Want to know how? Talk to #ThePeaceMaker. His name is Jesus. Contact us for more information, a chat or if you have questions. We’d love to hear from you!

Card Four#LOVE

“Greater love has no-one than this, who gives up his life for his friends.” - Jesus

“All you need is love,” the Beatles once sang. And they were right. What’s better than knowing that you’re loved, accepted and appreciated? We would give anything to feel that. But what happens when the feelings fade or the love dies. Move on? Find someone new? Repeat the cycle?

Wouldn’t it be amazing to find someone who truly loves you – not for anything you’ve done but for who you are? Wouldn’t it be amazing to find love that lasts – true love?

#ThePeaceMaker once said, “Greater love has no-one than this, than he who lays down his life for his friends.” And he was right. But it was more than mere talk, he actually did give his life up in order to rescue his friends – us. While we were powerless to rescue ourselves from the hopeless situation we were in, he willingly gave his life to give us the chance to have a new life and ultimately, one day, a changed world.

So regardless of whether you feel it or not, you are truly loved. Loved enough, that he died for you and wants to transform you into who you should be. Looking for a love that can transform you? Talk to #ThePeaceMaker. His name is Jesus.

Would you like to meet him? We would love to introduce you to #ThePeaceMaker. Contact us for more information, a chat or if you have questions. We’d love to hear from you!

Card Five#FEAR

“Perfect love casts out all fear” - the Bible

What are you afraid of? Heights, spiders, tight spaces? Or maybe rejection, abandonment or death? In this world there are many phobias and fears. Whatever you’re afraid of, fear is paralysing.

But we don’t have to be afraid, because perfect love casts out all fear. And we are perfectly loved, whether we realise it or not. In fact, #ThePeaceMaker loved us so much that he was willing to die in our place so that we could be reunited with our Creator. Because of his death we can be accepted by God. And if we’re accepted by Him, then we definitely don’t need to be afraid of anything. He promises to be with us and protect us. And then, when life is over, we can be with him. No more worrying, no more fear, no more terror.

Want to meet the one who loves you perfectly? Then talk to #ThePeaceMaker – Jesus. Contact us for more information, a chat or if you have questions. We’d love to hear from you!


“I have come that they may have life and life in abundance” - Jesus

What makes you happy? Chocolate, your boyfriend/girlfriend, having a good time? Isn’t that what we all want in life – to be happy?

And yet we’re never completely happy because we know there’s more to life – that we were made for a greater purpose. Something outside of ourselves – something that can truly satisfy us. That’s why we ultimately try out so many different things to find happiness. And yet so often that happiness fades. So what do we do? Look for the next high? Surely there must be something more?

#ThePeaceMaker once said that he came to give life in abundance. What a statement! Wouldn’t it be amazing to live a life fulfilling the very reason that you were here on earth for? Thanks to #ThePeaceMaker, we can. Through his death for us he made it possible for us to be reconnected to our Creator and to live a life of purpose knowing that one day we will be with him and that our happiness will be complete. All we have to do is ask him to forgive us for all the wrong we’ve done and he promises to forgive us and to give us his life – life in abundance.

Looking for life in abundance? Talk to #ThePeaceMaker. His name is Jesus. Would you like to meet him? We would love to introduce you to #ThePeaceMaker. Contact us for more information, a chat or if you have questions. We’d love to hear from you!